How to Convert ETH to SCRT Using the Secret Finance Bridge/Swap Features: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

***Note: All the information provided in this video tutorial is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and you agree that your use of such information is entirely at your own risk. I am not liable for the loss of any fiat/assets/tokens as a result of you following the steps presented here.***

First, a huge THANK YOU to Reuven (a Secret Network developer) for walking me, literally, step-by-step through this process I have documented here. Why document this? Well, one of the most common questions I have received is around how to purchase additional SCRT to stake for rewards and the SEFI governance token air drop. In this video tutorial I will show you the step-by-step instructions on how I do this using the Secret Finance Bridge/Swap functionality. I use my Brave web browser Metamask and Keplr wallet plugins to seamlessly bridge/convert ETH to secretETH, then swap the secretETH to secretSCRT, and then finally how you would go about swapping your secretSCRT for SCRT that you can then stake using your Keplr wallet plugin. For first time bridge users I cover the generation of the ‘viewing key’ that is required to see your balances (which only needs to be done once), discuss the error message I see in the video (and have seen each time I have used the bridge), and then close out by staking the newly converted SCRT to in the hopes of qualifying for some SEFI during the air drop! Enjoy and Happy HODLing!

If you would like to leave a tip, here is my Keplr wallet address: secret1ahfuktd7nyn3j9gkg7grphqpldgkyacr7fwakt

Thank you!