Harmony ONE Ecosystem & Mainnet, Adding it to Metamask, the Defira Metaverse & Staking Tranquil TRANQ Tokens

*The abbreviated version of the video is the following: Add the Harmony Mainnet to your Metamask wallet, generate a ONE address (link below), transfer ONE tokens from Binance, use the Defira swap feature to get TRANQ, stake the TRANQ for 6 month lock at 354% – Partial timeline below to help you find what you are looking for!*

Tip Jar Address on the Harmony Mainnet: one1ggpe5d4ej3rhk9872cczkf3rdk6wd6ry2ysncz


0:00 – 2:12: Intro 2:12 – 4:15: How to add Harmony One Mainnet to Metamask Wallet

4:15 – 6:30: Transfer ONE from Binance.US to Metamask

6:30 – END: Swapping & Staking

Key Links: Add Harmony Mainnet to Metamask: https://docs.harmony.one/home/network/wallets/browser-extensions-wallets/metamask-wallet/adding-harmony

Generate a ONE Address from Metamask Address: https://explorer.pops.one

Tranquil Finance Main Page: https://www.tranquil.finance/

Defira DEX Main Page: https://app.defira.com

sFIRA Tokenomics / 365-Day Lock Details: https://docs.defira.com/tokenomics/fira-token

***Note: All the information provided in this video tutorial is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and you agree that your use of such information is entirely at your own risk. You should not construe any such information or other material in my video tutorial as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Nothing in this video or on my YouTube channel constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer by myself or any third party. I am not liable for the loss of any fiat/assets/tokens as a result of you following the steps presented here and this is not investment advice and I am NOT an investment advisor. The opinions expressed in this video tutorial are for general information and entertainment purposes only and are not intended to provide specific financial and/or tax advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific cryptocurrency token or investment product.***

In this video tutorial I go over some of the amazing opportunities that exist in the Harmony ONE ecosystem. The video starts by showing you how to add the Harmony Mainnet to your Metamask wallet, we then look at how to generate a ‘one’ address from our Metamask wallet address, transfer the ONE tokens from Binance, and then make our way through the Defira DEX to swap ONE for TRANQ, before taking the TRANQ to Tranquil Finance to stake the TRANQ (with a 6-month lockup) at 354%! Enjoy!