How to Withdraw Your Secret (SCRT) Tokens from & Stake Them in the Keplr Wallet Plugin

***Note: All the information provided in this video tutorial is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and you agree that your use of such information entirely at your own risk. I am not liable for the loss of any fiat/assets/tokens as a result of you following the steps presented here.***

Okay, now that that is out of the way! Today was like Christmas in February and I had to share this with everyone! It has certainly been a minute since my last video on crypto over 2 years ago! About a week ago I decided to log into to see if I had any coins laying around – I mean, with all the excitement and press on Bitcoin going over $50K I figured I would take a look as I had totally forgotten that I used back in the day – it had been almost 2 years since I had used my account and to my surprise, all my fractional tokens were there – just some change really. But I could not find any of my Enigma tokens – a coin that I was in love with back in the day – even have a t-shirt of theirs! Those were nowhere to be found, but I had this other token SCRT that I had never purchased and wasn’t sure what it was. That’s when a very good friend informed me that they are now called Secret (SCRT) and that they were pretty much stuck on for US customers (can’t convert them, can’t sell them, etc.). I decided to dig into how I might be able to get them off of and just hit roadblock after roadblock. That was until this afternoon, when, by dumb luck really, I stumbled into the Keplr wallet plugin for Google Chrome (and it works with the Brave browser too!). That is what this video is all about: step-by-step instructions on where I found the Keplr wallet and how to withdraw your SCRT tokens from and how to put them into the easiest to use crypto wallet I have ever seen – literally. It was all too simple to do. Initially, I was just going to try to swap/sell them for some other token I could stake, and that was when I saw the option to stake my SCRT and earn…are you sitting down…up to 33.7% return on my staked tokens!!! Complete insanity. I feel like I am my own credit card company now watching the interest pile up. Hopefully this video is going to help you get your SCRT off and to start earning crazy staking rewards…the wallet literally updates in near real time your earnings…again, it is like Christmas in February!!!

If you would like to leave a tip, here is my Keplr wallet deposit address and the:


Okay, hopefully this helped you get your SCRT off of and have a great weekend!